
Doppelgangers: 8 Stories of People Who Met Their Unrelated Twins

1. The man who met his doppelganger after being randomly seated next to him on a Ryanair flight

The man who met his doppelganger after being randomly seated next to him on a Ryanair flight

A bearded traveler met his doppelganger on a Ryanair flight after a stranger sat in his seat. Neil Douglas was shocked to discover his twin brother from a different mother, Robert Stirling, on the flight from Stansted to Shannon Airport, County Clare. Instead of asking the stranger to move, the 32-year-old wedding photographer from Glasgow took a selfie and shared the image on Twitter.

The photograph, which has already been shared nearly 2,000 times, shows the strangers with strikingly similar bushy ginger beards, smiles, and hairstyles. The pair, who were both wearing black shirts, later realized they were booked into the same Irish hotel and enjoyed a pint together in a nearby pub. (Source)

2. The girl who accidentally met her doppelganger after going to college in Germany

The girl who accidentally met her doppelganger after going to college in Germany

Student Ciara Murphy moved to Bremen in Germany to study, and the last thing she expected was to accidentally bump into her doppelganger.
But shortly after moving to Germany from Ireland, Ciara thought something odd was going on when people asked her if she came to the country with her sister.

Unknown to Ciara, the same thing was happening to Cordelia Roberts from the UK, who had also moved to the area to study. Eventually, Ciara bumped into Cordelia and realized that people must have thought they were twins as they looked so similar. They are now best friends and go around everywhere together, and are now known as "the twins" around college.


3. The woman who turned to the Internet to find two identical twin strangers

The woman who turned to the Internet to find two identical twin strangers

Irish TV presenter Niamh Geaney launched a 28-day challenge called Twin Strangers to find her closest living lookalike. She was amazed when she discovered a woman who the spitting image of her living just one hour away.

Niamh, 26, found Karen Branigan in April 2015 when her social media campaign went viral. The pair met and had a photoshoot together. Needless to say, they are shockingly similar.

If you think Niamh and Karen look alike, just wait. During the project, Niamh met a second woman, who looks more like her than the first, living in Italy. Niamh said finding two women who shared almost identical looks was “absolutely crazy." A couple of months later, the blue-eyed brunette traveled to Genoa to meet a second "twin stranger," Luisa.

After massive public enthusiasm for the project, Geaney has since launched TwinStrangers.com. The site allows people to upload photos and describe their physical features, and then matches them to others. Geaney says matches have been made between people in Russia and Italy, Holland and the U.S., and Mexico and Brazil, among other places. (Source 1 | Source 2)

4. The woman who accidentally found her twin stranger on Instagram

The woman who accidentally found her twin stranger on Instagram

The resemblance between these two women is uncanny. But Amanda Fisher and Meredith Pond are not twins—they are complete strangers.

A friend first alerted Fisher, 23, to a picture of a girl on Instagram who looked just like her. Fisher then set out to find her doppelganger. After failing to make contact, she posted an image of them both on Imgur and called on users to help her track down her twin.

In the post, which has been viewed more than 1.1 million times, Fisher said, “I'm hoping she will see this so she can be just as weirded out as me.” However, some commenters were not convinced that the photos showed two different people. One user said: "Not convinced that isn't you." Another said: "Same haircut. I don't believe it. Sorry."

But one person managed to identify the doppelganger as 22-year-old Meredith Pond from Indiana and directed Fisher to her Facebook page. After contacting Pond, Fisher posted an update on Imgur: "I made contact! She finally contacted me, and we've been swapping some pictures. I hope I didn't scare her too much with attention. I found an old photo of my mom to compare to as well. Thanks for all the help Imgur!" (Source)

5. The Canadian toddler who mistook himself for Prince George

The Canadian toddler who mistook himself for Prince George

It seems as if Prince George's doppelganger has been discovered, albeit accidentally, and he and another toddler seriously look alike! John III's godfather innocently posted a pic of the 2-year-old on Reddit—he's pointing to the cover of HELLO! magazine featuring the royal prince with his baby sister, Princess Charlotte.

The man captioned the adorable pic, "My godson thinks he's Prince George." The image went viral and propelled the tiny tot to instant fame, with everyone claiming the two boys could easily pass as twins.

The similarities don't end there! Both boys are roughly around the same age, have a regal name, and John III's parents also live in London—well, London, Canada! (Source)

6. The artist so obsessed with doppelgangers that he spent 12 years matching and photographing strangers

The artist so obsessed with doppelgangers that he spent 12 years matching and photographing strangers

Everyone loves a good look-alike, but one enthusiastic artist has traveled the planet to put together this stunning photo series of the world's greatest doppelgangers.

Canadian Francois Brunelle was so fascinated by the phenomenon of complete strangers having almost identical doubles that he spent 12 years tracking down people with eerily similar features.

Settling only for the deadliest of dead ringers, the 62-year-old from Montreal has created the "I'm Not a Look-Alike" project—a huge photo exhibition of unrelated "twins" shot in black and white. And we have Brunelle's resemblance to British comedy character Mr. Bean to thank for his wacky manhunt. (Source)

7. The identical strangers who met within five minutes of joining a doppelganger website

The identical strangers who met within five minutes of joining a doppelganger website
They may be total strangers who are a decade apart in age, but two women who live thousands of miles away have been brought together after learning they are real-life doppelgangers.

Jennifer, 33, from Spring, Texas, was stunned by her uncanny resemblance to Ambra, 23, from Fayetteville, North Carolina. She was matched with her within five minutes of joining the website Twin Strangers, which helps people find their "identical" lookalikes anywhere in the world. "I just put in my parameters, and there she was," Jennifer explains in a video chronicling her first meeting with Ambra.

After making headlines for finding two of her lookalikes as part of the Twin Strangers project, Niamh Geaney, 26, is now using the website to help connect others with their nearly identical counterparts.


8. The man who met his doppelganger after moving to a new neighborhood

The man who met his doppelganger after moving to a new neighborhood

They're total strangers, but they could pass for identical twins.

Retired priest Neil Richardson, 69, moved to Braintree, Essex 18 months ago, only to find he was constantly greeted with smiles, waves and the words "Hello, John."

He didn't realize he was the spitting image of John Jemison, 74. When the doppelgangers finally bumped into each other, they found they'd been to the same college, had both been teachers, and had plenty more in common. (Source)
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